Traveling with somebody with dementia - 24|7 Nursing Care

Traveling with somebody with dementia

Leisure activities have emerged as the most important target for lifestyle improvements among older persons due to their potentially positive effect on various health outcomes. It also makes up a significant portion of daily living after retirement.

Travel plays a significant role in society, and having dementia of any kind does not mean that one must cease engaging in worthwhile activities. Planning is necessary to ensure your safety, comfort, and enjoyment. Dementia patient shall received proper Physiotherapy, contact Physio SP now.


How is it to travel for somebody with dementia?

Traveling can be a little confusing for somebody experiencing dementia. Without memory, the mind is entirely in the present.

Finding ourselves in an unfamiliar environment will naturally cause concern. Traveling with someone who has dementia will require providing constant information to the patient, additionally to a great extensive effort and planning.


Is it beneficial for somebody with dementia to travel?

In addition to physical activity, there is increasing evidence showing that other types of leisure activities, such as mental and social activities, and even traveling, have beneficial effects on a variety of health aspects. Leisure activities are particularly good for maintaining functional ability during the aging process.

Between the onset of brain disease and the late stages of dementia, there are a lot of years when bucket list items are still possible.


Benefits of traveling to the brain of someone who experiences dementia 

Even though traveling with somebody who experiences dementia might be complicated and challenging. Recent studies have shown that traveling might have a positive impact on wellbeing and quality of life. Travel is good therapy for people experiencing dementia, as it:

  • Stimulates thoughts and knowledge. It could involve experiencing sensations that improve behavior and well-being.
  • Puts people in a new environment and allows social interaction, which can stimulate brain function.
  • Involves movement and exercise.
  • Tourism may help stimulate memories, being helpful for people with dementia.



  • Start small. If it is the first time you travel with somebody who experiences any kind of dementia consider traveling to known destinations where you can recreate your daily routine without needing big changes.
  • Select your destination considering you might need access to emergency services and/ or pharmacies.
  • Choose the transportation according to the needs and abilities of your beloved one. Consider the times and select the more comfortable option.
  • When planning the sightseeing tours and activities consider long breaks and small tours to avoid anxiety and confusion.
  • Inform your hotel staff about your and your family members’ needs, so they can prepare to assist you.
  • Consider buying travel insurance.
  • Bring a first aid kit and include your beloved one’s medications, water, and snacks. Additionally bring a list of emergency contacts, medical information, and a copy of important documents.
  • Travel with plenty of time considering everybody’s needs.
  • If you are traveling by air avoid connections and pay for seats closer to the front
  • Call the airline and let them know you are traveling with somebody who is experiencing dementia
  • Stay with your travel companion all time
  • Next time you are traveling with somebody with dementia, consider a group trip that promotes social interactions or traveling to locations that stimulate the senses.


Contact us for a free in-home consultation to learn more about the options for your unique needs at 786-518-3622 Miami-Dade or 954-949-1332 Broward.

Our team is available to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. At 24/7 Nursing Care, we believe that your family is our family.



  • 24/7 Wandering Support for a Safe Return. (n.d.). Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
  • Cornish, J. (2021, November 19). Traveling with Someone with Dementia. The DAWN Method. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
  • Leisure activities, cognition and dementia. (2011). Elsevier.
  • Norris, J. (2022, June 30). “Travel therapy” may offer treatment for dementia and benefit mental health. Medical News Today. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
  • Traveling. (n.d.). Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from